What is this log?

We have to be honest, logs are often an after thought to most developers. Many logs are pretty cryptic unless you can look at the code and see what is going on. In this section, we will share what we think of a specific log: - the cryptic ones, the fun ones and some of the ones we see more often.

What this log means?

Log: tesla-user-agent

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.127 Safari/537.36 Tesla/feature-2022.20.9-31-abc ...
What it means? Click for answer.

Log: iptables-nf-conntrack-table-full

Jul 18 16:05:27 myserver kernel: [736737.006413] nf_conntrack: nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet
Jul 18 16:05:27 myserver kernel: [736737.006413] ip_conntrack: ip_conntrack: table full, dropping packet ...

What it means? Click for answer.

Log: apache-dummy-127

::1 - - [18/Jul/2022:19:23:52 +0000] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 126 "-" "Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) OpenSSL/3.0.2 (internal dummy connection)" ...
What it means? Click for answer.

Log: netflowv5-tcp80

{"port":5601,"format":"netflowv5","header":{"version":5,"count":30,"sys_uptime":1914116404,"unix_secs":1654392803,"unix_nsecs":436470348,"flow_sequence":2577672181,"engine_type":0,"engine_id":0,"sampling_interval":0},"record":{"srcaddr":"19 ...
What it means? Click for answer.

Log: haproxy-handshake-failure

May 21 12:18:26 proxy1 haproxy[2069]: [21/May/2022:12:18:26.382] httpsproxy/1: SSL handshake failure ...
What it means? Click for answer.

Log: charon-vpn-header

Mar 11 16:11:30 vpnproxy charon: 11[ENC] header verification failed ...
What it means? Click for answer.

Log: unifi-ap-wireless-agg-stats

May 18 13:24:18 garage 1281c277a279,UAP-HD-6.0.14+13634: mcad: mcad[19323]: wireless_agg_stats.log_sta_anomalies(): bssid=6b:83:c1:22:f1:21 radio=wifi1 vap=ath3 sta=ac:b1:2c:c3:52:01 satisfaction_now=0 anomalies=dns_timeout ...
What it means? Click for answer.

Log: unifi-ap-wireless-str-assoc-track

May 18 17:17:10 UAP-livingroom 65ff42c112d,UAP-HD-IW-5.60.23+13051: stahtd: stahtd[17220]: [STA-TRACKER].stahtd_dump_event(): {"message_type":"STA_ASSOC_TRACKER","mac":"11:41:17:a4:26:af","vap":"rai0","event_type":"fixup","auth_ts":"0.0","a ...
What it means? Click for answer.

Log: sshd-failed-password-gitlab

May 12 21:28:26 log1 sshd[31245]: Invalid user gitlab from port 59318 ...
What it means? Click for answer.

Log: dovecot-failedlogin-pam

May 20 20:57:09 mx1 auth: pam_unix(dovecot:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=dovecot ruser=daemon rhost= user=daemon ...
What it means? Click for answer.

Log: postfix-sasl-failedlogin

May 20 23:56:19 mx1 postfix/smtps/smtpd[3425910]: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: UGFzc3dvcmQ6 ...
What it means? Click for answer.

Log: macos-display-on

May 21 17:58:38 Dev-Mac-Pro powerd[80]: Display is turned on ...
What it means? Click for answer.

Log: macos-display-off

May 21 17:58:38 Dev-Mac-Pro powerd[80]: Display is turned off ...
What it means? Click for answer.

Simple, affordable, log management and analysis.